Eirich Mixer R-type range

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Eirich mixer insideEIRICH intensive mixers of the R-type Series were developed for the most diverse jobs in the processing of raw materials, mechanical mixtures and compounds. Variable setting of machine components and the energy range ensures a high degree of efficiency.

Three components determine the characteristics of these mixers:
1. An inclined, rotating mixing pan
2. A rotating mixing tool
3. An adjustable multi-purpose wall-bottom scraper

The spectrum of applications covered by EIRICH intensive mixers is as varied as the range of industrial processing op- erations in the fields of production and environmental protection.

Conventional EIRICH mixers are used for mixing under atmospheric pressure whereas EVACTHERM® mixers are used for mixing under vacuum and/ or for combining complex preparation processes. Processing steps can be performed either singly or in combinations in one machine.

They include: mixing, reacting, dispersing, dissolving, slurrying, plasticizing, deaerating, fiberising, solubilising, agglomerating, disagglomerating, pelletising, granulating, kneading, moistening, drying, heating, cooling, stripping, impregnating, coating and waterproofing.

Occasionally Orthos have used Eirich mixers for sale within the UK (fully refurbished with original Eirich parts and a warranty).

EIRICH Mixers General Information

For full product information, current prices and availability, please call us on 01858 464246 or email a product specialist

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