The woodworking industry is becoming more complex and so Firefly has developed several spark detection solutions specifically for woodworkers. Higher levels of efficiency and automation are both results of the rapid technical achievements within the industry. Investments in the business have increased, causing production downtime to be even more costly. Machinery producing at higher speeds increases waste material and leads to a larger risk of fire. The demands on production safety and fire prevention have therefore also increased – is your company at risk?
Three elements are needed to cause a fire or an explosion:
• Oxygen
• Flammable Material
• Ignition Source
Wood is a particularly flammable material. Wood dust in a filter can ignite from ca. 470°C
In a silo, this temperature can be as low as ca. 260°C
Compare this to the temperature of a newly extinguished match, which is ca. 500°C…
With these solutions we can effectively protect your company against costly fires and dust explosions in filters and silos, planers, band saws and sanders: